Free Computer Science class at UCF for high school students interested in programming

Thinking about a career in Computer Science? UCF has a program called Junior Knights. It is a free introduction to computer programming course for high school students.  They will work along side UCF professors to discover basic computer science topics and themes.  The course takes place every Saturday form 10am to 1pm starting on February 1st. The teacher at Timber Creek has quite a few students who have attended in the past.

UCF does an amazing job grouping students into ability level from beginner to expert, so anyone thinking about computer programming is encouraged to sign up. Students learn ‘C’ or ‘Python’ depending on their programming experience and/or math background.  The website for the program is   Students need to bring their own laptop. If you don’t have a laptop, you can email Arup Guha ( or Dr. Lobo ( and they may be able to work something out.







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