Digital Media Takes Over

Digital Media 2 students recently took over the class– sort of like aliens. The class was divided into teams of 3 and each team’s task was to take over the class for the day and teach a lesson in Photoshop to their fellow classmates and their teacher.

Team Lomo  (Rhyan, Jonathan M. and Augie) taught the class how to create light leaks called the “Lomo effect” using Photoshop. Lomography is an interesting form of photography that’s on the rise today. According to, “It’s kind of like ‘backwards photography’–it’s a plastic toy camera that makes use of film. Because everything is made of plastic (yes, including the lens), the Lomo camera does everything it’s not supposed to do: saturated colors, high contrast, off hues, vignettes, blurs, and more. It has developed into an art form because of these unique, ‘bad’ features.”

Here’s a sample done by by Yaedelis Alicano.


Team TOAST (Peter, Ky and Khon) taught the class how to swap faces by using Photoshop’s Edit > Auto-Blend-Layers technique. Here’s a face swap done by Peter Nguyen President Obama’s face was swapped with Will Smith.


Team Hamburger (Jonathan P., Giancarlo and Yaedelis) taught the class how to create an Avatar effect. It was done by using patterns, masks and blending modes. I didn’t know Yao Ming was in the movie, but according to Jacob Osier, he made a cameo appearacnce.








Team J.I.B. (Jacob S., Ian and Ben) taught the class how to create a dispersion effect. I have seen this technique in magazine ads and alway wondered how to do it. It’s done by duplicating layers and making each layer slightly larger and then using masks with splatter brushes. Below is Peter Nguyen’s dispersion effect.










Team Lions (Kevin, Emanuel, and Justice) taught the class how to create a rippled water reflection using Filter > Distort > Displace. Below is Jacob Schwing’s water reflection.













Team Toe Jay’s (Jacob O., Brandon, and Jay) taught the class how to add a four quandrant color mask to an image. Below is Peter Nguyen’s image.







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