Category: News

  • Industry Certification News

    Digital Media students have wrapped up most of the industry certification testing for the year. I’d like to recognize Ben Nelson and Khon Duong, two outstanding Digital Media 3 students, who have earned every Adobe Certified Associate credential available (Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Illustrator and Premiere Pro). Congratulations to all of the students who have…

  • Contest Opportunities

    Doodle for Google Deadline March 20, 2014 –Win a lot of $$$ and a trip to Google Headquarters This year’s theme: “If I Could Invent One Thing to Make the World a Better Place…” My ACA Story Deadline March 31, 2014 –Win an iPad Mini! Certiport World Championship Deadline May 15, 2014 –Win a copy of…

  • 2014 RW Pike Winner Announced

    Rodney Pike has selected this year’s winner of the  “RW Pike” celebrity caricature project. This year’s winner is Digital Media 2 student, Jasmin Quiñones. More of Jasmin’s work is being featured on RW Pike’s website where he has over 2 million followers. Here’s the winning entry.

  • Apply now for the Digital Media Academy

    We are currently accepting Digital Media Academy applications for the 2014-2015 school year. Students must complete and submit an application by Friday, February 14, 2014. Digital Media Academy Application For more information about the Digital Media Academy, please contact Gigi Fotieo at or 407-956-8300 Ext. 6172461.