Category: News

  • Apply now for the Digital Media Academy

    We are currently accepting Digital Media Academy applications for the 2013-2014 school year. Students must complete and submit an application by Friday, February 15, 2013. Digital Media Academy Application

  • RW Pike Winner Announced

    After 3 days of voting, senior Digital Media 3 student, Arturo Adams, received the most votes for his “RW Pike” photo manipulation. More of Arturo’s work will be featured on RW Pike’s Google+ page soon. Here’s his winning entry.

  • RW Pike Google+

    Digital Media 2 & 3 students have some digital manipulations on display on an artist’s Google+ website. The artist is Rodney (RW) Pike, a humorous illustrator located in Louisiana. Students studied Pike’s work and tried their hand at similar digital manipulation using Photoshop. He has graciously taken time to host a voting contest– voting has…

  • Digital Media Academy logo chosen

    Congratulations to Austin Marlette! Austin’s Digital Media Academy logo design was selected by Lake Nona High School students and faculty in an online vote. Austin is a 3rd year Digital Media student. His winning design is shown below.