Category: Student Work

  • Drawing Tablet Sketch

    Digital Media 1 students used drawing tablets to create a colored portrait sketch. Here are the standouts from this project.

  • Featured Designers: Dominick Estrella and Daniel Hernandez-Otero

    Today I am featuring the work of Dominick Estrella and Daniel Hernandez-Otero, Digital Media 2 students. Recently, the students studied the artwork of Pablo Lobato, a well-known graphic artist from Argentina. Lobato’s work has been published in The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, and Time Magazine. View Pablo Lobato’s work. Dominick and Daniel took a photo…

  • Prom 2014 Logo

    Congratulations to Digital Media 2 student, Leah Marxuach. The theme for this year’s prom is “The Great Gatsby”. Leah’s design was selected by the LNHS SGA Prom Committee to be used to advertise this year’s prom. Visit our Prom page for more information.

  • Are you ready for some football?

    Digital Media students created Super Bowl XLVIII posters to advertise the big game between the Broncos and the Seahawks. Digital Media 1 Super Bowl Posters Digital Media 2 Super Bowl Posters