Category: Student Work

  • Opacity Collage Project

    Students in Digital Media 1 created a collage depicting what they are studying in either their English, Social Studies or Science classes. In this project they had to adjust layer opacity to blend their image layers together and use a layer style on the text layer to make their text legible against the pictures in…

  • Expressive Words

    Digital Media 2 students have spent the last few weeks learning about typography and learning that words can be expressive depending on how they are written or designed. This project required students to find a Photoshop tutorial that would teach them how to create an expressive word. Here are some samples.

  • Academic Poster Project

    Students in Digital Media 2 recently finished a sports athlete poster. Using the skills and techniques learned from that project, students had to create a poster for someone academic. First, they brainstormed the topics they are learning in their core classes and picked the person for their academic poster. Below is what the students came up…

  • Animal Shapes

    Digital 1 students recently learned how to use Photoshop’s basic shape tools. To practice using shape layers and layer stacking, students were assigned a project where they had to create various animals using only Photoshop’s basic and custom shapes. Here are a few standouts.