Category: Student Work

  • Pablo Lobato Project

    Recently, the Digital Media 2 students studied the artwork of Pablo Lobato, a well-known graphic artist from Argentina. Lobato’s work has been published in The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, and Time Magazine. View Pablo Lobato’s work. Students were posed with the challenge of creating their own Pablo Lobato interpretation using Photoshop CS6.

  • Colored Sketch Drawing Tablet Project

    Digital Media 1 students tried their hand at using a drawing tablet with Photoshop. The process involved 3 stages: 1) finding a picture to use 2) creating a line drawing of the picture and 3) coloring the line drawing. Students used multiple layers and various tools such as dodge, burn and smudge as well as blending…

  • Are you ready for some football?

    Digital Media students created Super Bowl XLIX posters to advertise the big game between the the Seattle Seahawks and the New England Patriots. Digital Media 1 Super Bowl Posters-Period 1 Digital Media 1 Super Bowl Posters-Period 2 Digital Media 1 Super Bowl Posters-Period 6 Digital Media 2 Super Bowl Posters-Period 3 Digital Media 2 Super Bowl Posters-Period 7 Digital Media…

  • 2014 Year in Review

    Digital Media 1 students designed collages using Photoshop to graphically represent significant events from 2014.