Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Do you have what it take to be a leader?

    Juniors and Seniors: Are you interested in working as a paid intern this summer?  Bank of America’s program, Student Leaders, is a wonderful opportunity for you to get work experience, get paid, develop leadership and career skills, and visit Washington D.C.!  Application deadline is January 31, 2015 so don’t procrastinate!! See the flyer or learn more…

  • Reindeer Challenge

    Students in Digital Media 1 participated in the Reindeer Challenge. The challenge was to use Photoshop to create the best reindeer from scratch. Students were allowed to work independently or with a partner. Congratulations to the winners: 1st period-Luis Figueroa and Rodolfo Bencosme 2nd period-Ford Perry and Brandon Peregrino 6th period-Malique Murray and Rhebecca Hernandez

  • 2014 Year in Review

    Digital Media 1 students captured the significant events from 2014 from a global and personal perspective by creating a collage using Photoshop. Period 1 – 2014 Year in Review Period 2 – 2014 Year in Review Period 6 – 2014 Year in Review

  • Steak or Lobster?

    Dr. Michael Armbruster is Senior Executive Director for Career & Technical Education for Orange County Public Schools. Since taking on this role, Career & Tech Ed (CTE) has been revived and is being noticed throughout the county. If you’re not familiar with CTE and what is has to offer, Dr. Armbruster wrote a great article. CAREER…

Got any book recommendations?