Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Make the pledge
Do you text and drive? We all know the dangers of taking our eyes off the road– even for just one second. Is it really worth it? Can’t it wait? Even if you’re the only one in the car, you can still be a designated texter– just don’t text while your car is moving! Isn’t…
Industry Certification News
Digital Media students have wrapped up most of the industry certification testing for the year. I’d like to recognize Ben Nelson and Khon Duong, two outstanding Digital Media 3 students, who have earned every Adobe Certified Associate credential available (Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Illustrator and Premiere Pro). Congratulations to all of the students who have…
Featured Designers: Dominick Estrella and Daniel Hernandez-Otero
Today I am featuring the work of Dominick Estrella and Daniel Hernandez-Otero, Digital Media 2 students. Recently, the students studied the artwork of Pablo Lobato, a well-known graphic artist from Argentina. Lobato’s work has been published in The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, and Time Magazine. View Pablo Lobato’s work. Dominick and Daniel took a photo…
Contest Opportunities
Doodle for Google Deadline March 20, 2014 –Win a lot of $$$ and a trip to Google Headquarters This year’s theme: “If I Could Invent One Thing to Make the World a Better Place…” My ACA Story Deadline March 31, 2014 –Win an iPad Mini! Certiport World Championship Deadline May 15, 2014 –Win a copy of…
Got any book recommendations?