Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Florida Senate supports Academies in High School

    This was a very exciting week for Career & Technical Education in the state of Florida. By passing Senate Bill (SB)1076, the state of Florida has finally acknowledged the fact that it is necessary for high schools to prepare students not only for college, but for vocational jobs as well. Lake Nona High School established the Digital Media…

  • Featured Designer-Jay Bloise, Digital Media 2 Senior

    Today I am featuring the work of Jay Bloise, a Digital Media 2 student who is in 12th grade. All students who earned Photoshop Certification are entering an original Photoshop submission for the 2013 Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) World Championship where students from all over the United States are competing for a chance to represent…

  • DM2: Contest Submissions for ACA Photoshop World Championship

    Digital Media 2 students who have earned their Photoshop certification can enter an original Photoshop design to compete against other students from around the globe for a chance to win a trip to Washington DC and win $5,000 and a copy of Adobe CS6. Below are some of the entries. [slideshow id=28]    

  • Artist Look Alike

    Digital Media 3 students studied various digital graphic artists. After honing in on one particular artist that appealed to them, their assignment was to try to recreate their own “look alike” piece in the style of that particular graphic artist. Below are some of the work submitted by the students. [slideshow id=29]    

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