Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Newly Certified Associates-Adobe Photoshop CS5

    Congratulations to the following Digital Media 1 students who recently earned their certification in Photoshop CS5. Alexander Stevens, Austin Corbin, Bianca Bond, Bodhi Smith, Carlos Jara, Carter Alexander, Chelsea Acero, Ethan Hunter, Hector Vazquez, Ileana Pineda, Jacqulyn Mills, Jasmine Kitterman, Joaquin Valle, Karli Normand, Keegan Hislop, Keith Bradley, Matt Torres, Michael Burkholder, Rothschild Dort, and Shawn…

  • Newly Certified Associates-Adobe Photoshop CS5

    Congratulations to the following Digital Media 1 students who recently earned their certification in Photoshop CS5. Ashley Hall, Claudia Fombellida, Daniel Hernandez-Otero, Derek James, Jasmin Quinones, Leah Marzuach, Lee Hylton, Maud van Sandick, Nahir Rivera, Simon Beyene, Steve Linzan, and William Huhta (view complete list) Well done ladies and gentlemen!

  • Featured Designer-Augie Martinez, Digital Media 2 Junior

    Today I am featuring the work of Augie Martinez, a Digital Media 2 student who is in 11th grade. Recently, the students studied the artwork of Pablo Lobato, a well-known graphic artist from Argentina. Lobato’s work has been published in The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, and Time Magazine. View Pablo Lobato’s work. Augie took a…

  • Featured Designer-Pedro Abreu, Digital Media 3 Junior

    Pedro researched the artwork of Andreas Fernhede Dagman. Dagman was born in 1984 outside Gothenburg, Sweden and currently resides in Stockholm, Sweden. He is a former student and graduate of the Digital Media program at Hyper Island. Dagman works in both design and development. You can view more of Dagman’s artwork at http://www.thesuperawesome.com. Why Pedro chose this…

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