Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Type Faces Project

    Students in Digital Media 2 have been studying typography. They learned that different messages can be sent based on font choice alone. For this project, students had to choose a maximum of two type faces and use the letters, numbers and symbols in those type faces to create a face. Here are some of their…

  • Snow Globe Champ 2012

    After all the votes were cast, Jay Bloise’s Snow Globe won with 40% of the 76 votes cast. Congratulations, Jay!  

  • Snow Globe Project

    Digital Media 2 students were assigned a project to make a realistic snow globe without using any internet images. All components of the snowg lobe had to be made by the students. The main challenge in this project was to animate the snow. I was truly impressed with the results! Students and faculty are going…

  • Holiday Greeting Cards

    Students in Digital Media 1 researched different holiday card designs online and tried their hand at designing their own using Photoshop. Below are some of the stand-outs. These images will be featured on the lakenonainsider.com website throughout the holidays as well. [slideshow id=21]

Got any book recommendations?