Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Contest Winners Announced

    Congratulations to the team of Chris Encarnacion and Michael Pizarro whose Class of 2013 Foundation of the Pride t-shirt design was selected by the senior class for this year’s t-shirt.

  • Foundation of the Pride T-Shirt Contest

    Students in Digital Media 3 were asked to design this year’s Senior shirts. The theme for the Class of 2013 is “Foundation of the Pride” because they are the first graduating class to attend all 4 years at Lake Nona High School since it opened in 2009. The Senior Class Cabinet will pick the top…

  • Presidential Campaign 2032

    With the 2012 presidential campaign in full swing, students in Digital Media 2 & 3 created their own ad campaign for the year 2032. Check out some of the stand-outs! [slideshow id=12]

  • Layer Style Type Tutorials

    Students in Digital Media 1 recently learned about Layer Styles. Here are some samples of student work created by using various online tutorials that showed them how to apply layer styles to create some unique effects. [slideshow id=11]

Got any book recommendations?