Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Animal Shapes

    Animal Shapes

    It’s Homecoming Week and Monday’s spirit day was to dress up like an animal. Digital 1 students recently learned how to use Photoshop’s basic shape tools so it was fitting that the assignment for the day would be to create animals using only basic shapes found in Photoshop.  [slideshow id=7]        

  • Digital Headlines

    Students in Digital Media 1 have been learning Photoshop basics like cutting out and tranforming objects. After viewing a collage headline that ran in the New York Times, students were given the challenge of creating their own article headline using cut out objects. Here are the stars of the week.

  • Florida Print Association Awards Spring 2012

    Students in Digital Media 1 and 2 competed in various categories including illustration, CD packaging, self-promotion, book cover, greeting cards and logo design. Check out some of the winning entries for this year’s Florida Print Association Awards. [slideshow id=4]

  • Open House-October 2nd

    Please join us for Open House on Tuesday, October 2nd at 6pm.  It is a chance to meet the teachers and tour our campus. Open House will begin in the gymnasium. Club Rush begins at 5:30pm in the courtyard.

Got any book recommendations?