What do the students in Project Lead the way do?

By: Alanna Hill and Sara Hupfer

If you think about it, the car you drive, the house you live in, the schools you learn in, they are all developed by engineers. The new iPhones that come out every year always feature a new type of technology to solve a common problem. Engineers are the ones that are mapping out the structure of your new house, and designing the newest tablet or phone. They all apply different types of mathematical equations and theories, so that they may solve new problems. These new inventions create a different, more advanced generation, changing people’s everyday life.

Project Lead the Way is a program where students learn all about different branches of engineering, such as architectural, civil, computer hardware, and many others.    These students have to develope their own knowledge in order to bring their ideas to life. Working together as a team to solve problems are a big part of this class.  If one person doesn’t do their part, it could have drastic effects on the end result.  The students do lot’s of different types of work, sometimes they are writing a program, and other times they are building a robot with circuits.

This class pushes people toward the engineering path, and there are a lot of struggles on the way, but it ends up paying off.   Most people in the class enjoy it because of the freedom of creativity. “It is a lot of hands on work, It’s a lot of things that you are doing yourself.”  Senior Sean Crites said.  Project Lead the Way isn’t easy though, these students stay up countless nights to finish their projects.  “The most complicated thing, I think, that I had to process was the spatial awareness you have to have as an engineer.” Senior Gregory Suarez says.  Students have to be aware of what is happening around them, and how to find solutions to the problems.

Although these students have their struggles, they really enjoy what they do.   They try their hardest and sometimes fail, but these students know how to get back up and try again.  These students are some of the smartest in our school, and we need to take inspiration from them, and learn to solve problems and work together.  Suarez says, “A lot of the things I have learned here inspired the career choices that I am going to make.”