October 1st marks the first day of pinktober for the year 2017. In October many sports teams and organisations around the Timber Creek campus are dressed in pink to support breast cancer awareness month. Many teams are sporting pink ribbons, bows, and outfits.  Timber Creek hosts a homecoming spirit week for students and faculty leading up to the homecoming dance. This years homecoming spirit week consisted of days like class color, French movie character day, Cultural day, and in support of breast cancer awareness, on Friday, October 20th Timber Creek had a pink-out day.

Timber Creek seniors get together to form the breast cancer awareness ribbon on class color day.

On class color day this year, seniors decked out from head to toe in pink, both for their class color and for breast cancer awareness. For many seniors, this was their last spirit week, so many seniors dressed in pink for two days during spirit week, class color day and pink-out day. Some seniors even joined in at the homecoming game wearing pink body paint and clothing joining in with the Purple People.

Seniors definitely weren’t the only ones who were excited about this year’s Pinktober. Other students, faculty, and staff were also getting very festive in their pink gear. On Pink-Out Friday, there were students dressed almost completely in pink and truly showed their school spirit. Many sports teams as well included pink in their uniforms to support the breast cancer awareness. Breast cancer is a very serious disease and it definitely does not go unnoticed.