By: Avery Holgersen

It’s that time of year when everyone in school just wants to be done with the school year. But a group of people in particular have been waiting for that final day to hit. As we get towards the end of the school year everyone seems to get very lazy and procrastinate, but it’s even worse for Seniors. There is a term called Senioritis which is scientifically proven that this is a mental effect for decline in performance and motivation. Mostly every Senior goes through this, and teachers notice it too. It usually starts before school even begins for seniors during the summer. The lack of progression and motivation slips at the end of your school years. As juniors pick their classes for senior year they tend to pick as few classes as possible so they don’t have to do a lot of work.

Turning in work late or failing tests are somethings you don’t want to do during your senior year. Colleges are looking at your performance and trying to see if you are a good fit for the school but sometimes when they see the decline in academic performance they cut you for acceptance. But this is a very common thing that happens everywhere in the world and happens to everyone. Some students have to work extra hard to ensure that they are able to graduate and hit those requirements. Another thing that is stressful is applications, many students have dream colleges and to get into those colleges you need specific requirements to even apply for example SAT scores. A lot of students wait until the last minute to start applying, which is not good. You are going to want to get everything done early so you can enjoy your last year in high school. Eduardo Morales says.’ “ It’s been extremely hard. I didn’t believe it till I got it. Out of nowhere you just lose all motivation. I go to class but I will not take out my computer just because it has become so hard.”

Wake me up!

It is affecting so many people so drastically that the work that is getting done doesn’t even make sense anymore. Students are getting too lazy to even take out their computer, every person who has gone through senior year can tell someone who hasn’t that this mental block is a real thing and no one can understand why it happens. In the beginning seniors are motivated to get the school year over and move on but as time goes on they start to realize that their grades are dropping and so much is piling up by the minute. Bethany Johnson said, “I’m getting sloppy with my work. I turn in my work late because I’m lazy. I have to drag myself to do things.”

In conclusion, the exhaustion of it all is really affecting the seniors. As juniors are preparing for Senior year, they can already feel the tiredness coming. Juniors are preparing for senior year just by making sure they get things early so they don’t have to stress over them during their senior year. Getting things done early helps a lot with pressure and making sure students have a successful senior year. The last year of high school is supposed to be fun, not stressed and tired, it’s the final moments of living in an area most people grew up in. Making the best of Senior year is everyone’s goal and to make sure it is amazing senioritis can not come too early into the year.

Seniors are so tired they are sleeping in class from work and exhaustion. Eduardo has been at Timber Creek for all 4 years and as much as he loves high school and the experience like almost every student exhaustion does not mix well with school. Making sure not to procrastinate helps with making sure students don’t fall asleep on the work in class.