The question of whether life on Earth is alone in the universe has weighed upon minds since the beginning of human conscience. Stories passed down through generations have described beings with other-worldly powers that originate from the sky above. In movies like Men in Black, aliens live amongst the people of Earth, undetected by the greater population. Modern astrological science has confirmed the existence of a vast universe, leading some people to speculate that humans are not, could not, be alone. When Timber Creek students were asked if they believed aliens were out there, it was a resounding “yes.”

Several students were interviewed further about the specifics of their beliefs towards the existence of aliens. Shelby Constance, a junior at Timber Creek, says that she does believe aliens are out there somewhere in the universe and that they may have possibly visited Earth at some point in time. When asked further about the implications of them possibly having visited Earth, she simply said, “[the] government be hiding stuff.” Area 51, an air base located in the a remote desert in Nevada, has been the subject of much speculation as to what exactly goes on behind its fences. A common conspiracy is that extraterrestrials who crash on Earth are taken there to be studied. With signs up around the base saying “photography is not permitted in this area” and clear warnings that “deadly force may be used,” it makes the public wonder what is being done there that they need to be so extreme and secretive.   

Another junior, Emily Morris, also believes in the existence of life on a different planet, but is skeptical that they ever made contact with Earth. She says that the supposed sightings people report are misconceptions of natural phenomenon. Since the infamous 1947 Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash, sightings regarding flying saucers and actual aliens have exploded all over the media. A number of these sightings have been debunked by government officials, but a larger number remain unexplained. In addition to claims of seeing spacecraft, some people have even claimed they were abducted by aliens. Unfortunately, there’s really no way to prove any of these claims to be 100% true, especially just off a person’s word and pictures can be tricky with all the Photoshop technology.

I Spy With My Little Eye! Senior Ashlyn Lanaville watches for possible alien spacecraft. She believed that aliens have visited Earth at some point, and wanted to see them for herself. “I think they [aliens] have visited Earth, but we just don’t know about it. I mean, what if the dinosaurs were aliens.”
Ancient Aliens, a TV show on the History Channel, has been airing for seven years now, and it centers around making historical connections to extraterrestrial visitations. Adam Lange, one of the AP US History teachers at Timber Creek, believes that aliens have not had any influence on history. He did say that somewhere out in the universe there are other life forms, whether it’s intelligent life or simple bacteria. When asked about the possibility of past visitations by aliens he jokingly said, “We are aliens that visited Earth.” He knew a man who claimed to have had an encounter with aliens, but could not recall specific details. According to him, the man was a little crazy and weird in general, so his claim wasn’t completely reputable. Former President, Jimmy Carter, filed an official sighting in 1969. He claimed to have seen a white object as brights as the moon in the sky. However, it was officially concluded that he must have mistaken Venus for a spacecraft, but to this day, Carter still insists it was an extraterrestrial.

There’s still no confirmation of alien life forms, but that doesn’t stop the vast majority of Timber Creek students and staff speculating about its existence. When dealing with the uncertain, only one thing is certain, and that is there are infinite possibilities.