Timber Creek SGA prepares themselves for this year’s D3. D3 is an event for a multitude of student government associations where over 1400 students attend coming from different Florida schools. They gather to collectively discuss how to improve leaderships techniques and strategies along with how to excel in leading their schools.  Timber Creek’s SGA was announced as president at last year’s event. They became president of D3 by creating a proposal with three goals included. A big goal from their proposal that they wanted to get across was to lead by serving others. They went around and talked to many other high schools to see what they wanted in the next D3 president. Not only did they create goals, they campaigned by making shirts, and even incorporated TC’s step team in their campaign. Eventually, they were able to reach their goal and become president of D3.

This year’s event was pushed back to November 19th due to Hurricane Matthew. The theme for this year’s event is “Leadership Through the Looking Glass.” As Timber Creek SGA members have been preparing for this year’s event, they have come up with tons of decorations and set up workshops for the 1400 students attending. Each workshop holds 30 students and they have to keep them entertained for 20 minutes each. Some workshops they have put together include school spirit, getting out of your comfort zone, how to carry out a legislative meeting,  and improving underclassmen and upperclassmen relationships. They even hired a motivational speaker named Adam Lowery to teach all the high school students life lessons. Bryanna Diaz, D3 Ambassador says, “Planning D3 is a stressful process that requires all members in SGA but when it’s all said and done,  seeing an event being carried out successfully is rewarding. The success of D3 would not be possible without the dedication of every student involved in Student Government.” Timber Creek Wolves are ready to bring their  pride and spirit to this year’s D3!