Monthly Archives: September 2017

By: Isabelle Lounsberry AP classes– or advanced placement classes– are college-level classes taken in high school. Our humble Apopka High School offers 24 of these courses, ranging from various forms of the arts such as Music or Drawing to rigorous science courses such as Chemistry and Physics. Approximately 44% of […]

AP Classes– Beneficial?

By: Jamari Saint Cyr This school year, Apopka High School welcomes many new staff members. AHS saw the departure of our four assistant principals from last year:  Mrs. Nelson-Warren, Mr. Mahoney, and Mr. Heinz, who left Apopka, as well as Mrs. Cooke-Weaver who is no longer an assistant principal and has […]

New to the Blue

By: Valendy Pierre Diane Hall, one of our new AHS teachers, is originally from Jamaica. Mrs. Hall is the youngest of six and is married with two children. Though she worked at a high school in the parish of Saint Catherine, Mrs. Hall is from Saint Ann Parish in Jamaica. […]

A New Experience

By: Victoria Mariani-Mezera Society Speaks is a newer club at Apopka High School. The club is run by Jonathan Datiz, who is in 12th grade. Jonathan is not only in Society Speaks, but also participates in SCC, NEHS, NHS, and the Collab Club Council. He was born in Orlando Florida, […]

Darters Speak Up

By: Cassidy Johnson There is no doubt that the entire process of applying to college is incredibly stressful. Between juggling all of your normal responsibilities and time constraints, it may seem like there’s never enough time to get things done. Should you apply Early Action or Regular Decision? Or even […]

Managing the Mental Meltdown of College App’s

By: Michaela Etienne Apopka High School is known for many wonderful things, one being their outstanding bowlers. Their boys held the 2013, 2014, and 2015 state championship title. They’ve even had one of their outstanding bowlers, Peter Panagiotis Vergos, appear on The Today Show to show his skills. The Apopka […]

From Strikes to State!

By: Valendy Pierre Midhat Fatima is one of the many foreign exchange students who has come to America to learn and embrace the culture. Only a sophomore, Midhat has traveled here alone to this country, leaving her two siblings and other family members behind. Sadly, she will be attending Apopka […]

A New Culture

By: Jordan Jenkins   Although the threat posed by the Atlantic hurricane season has always been present for those living along or within the Atlantic Ocean, it hasn’t always felt urgent or significant for many of those same people. The current century has, without a doubt, seen its share of […]

Staring Storms in the Eye

By: Jeffery LauxnStaff Editor Swim season is upon those who reside in Central Florida, and one team that can make a big impact this year will be the Apopka Blue Dolphins (Darters). New faces upon the coaching staff include the man, the myth, the legend Mr. Houvouras, one of the most well-known […]

Swim Season Preview

By: Arianna Bekas Bright Futures is a lottery-funded program in Florida that strives to reward students for their academic achievement by giving them money for college. There are different levels of the scholarship that depend on the requirements that you meet. For the Florida Academic Scholarship and the Medallion Scholarship […]

Will Your Future Be Bright?