Make money on an unused choir dress

This is the dress we are buying back

This is the dress we are buying back

We are actively seeking to “buy back” unused choir dresses from former Boone Chorus students. These dresses will be SOLD to new students at the discounted price of $25, and that money will then be passed on to you, the original owner. To take advantage of this opportunity, bring the dress to the Boone chorus room. It must be CLEAN and in good condition. If your name and phone number are clearly labeled on the dress, we will contact you when the dress has sold.

We will also “buy back” men’s uniforms for $25 if they are current, clean, and in good condition. The process is the same as above.

We are only buying the sleeveless dress pictured below because it’s the only one we use now. Of course, dress donations would also be welcome!