College Applications!!!!!

Image result for coalition for college

As you are preparing to start your College Applications I just want to share with you two of the main ways that students apply to colleges which are The Common Application and Coalition Application. Both applications are online and allow you to create a profile and apply to multiple colleges at one time. Students only have to fill out details that most schools require, like name, address, parental employment and education, and extracurricular activities, once (some school may require additional information which is listed in the application based on the schools you select to apply to). You are also able to use one essay prompt for multiple schools that you are applying to (please keep in mind that all of the schools you select will see the same essay so try to avoid listing a College’s specific information in your essay). For more information please see the links below:


Common App:


Coalition App:

To see which schools most students from DPHS apply to and the system they use please review the attached document:

Which Application system is best for you?

***Please aim to complete your College Applications by Halloween (the earlier the better)



