Hello Students,
Are working on trying to apply to jobs to make some extra money? Or maybe you are applying to Colleges? Having a resume is an important part for both earning a job or gaining acceptance into college. For help in creating a resume in your Naviance student account (accessible through your Launchpad.ocps.net account) there are a few tool to help you create your own resume for all your needs. Below are link with instructions on how to access the Naviance resume template and a sample resume in google drive (please use your ocps student account to access the document) which is also located on your Naviance home page (bottom right of the page).
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EVgysZfgp8vZlQ3hnPi32lpid0V0l6Ittgg8QpxqCe4/edit (view only make sure to download to make it your own)