Wonder Review
|By: Intefada Lutfi
I really enjoyed the film and the meaning behind it. I was definitely crying about 99% of the movie. It was so emotional. I probably felt about a million emotions that day. Also, before you continue to read this please BEWARE OF SPOILERS!
So back to the review. “Wonder” had great scenes and meaning to each one. I especially loved how when you met a new character you saw their perspective on how things went.
I also enjoyed how they placed everything for their characters to meet Auggie and get to know him as the person he is on the inside and not on the outside. I liked how everyone realized that bullying him and threatening him was not okay.
I also liked the fact that Julian had to leave the school after threatening him and photoshopping him out of the class picture because he found him ugly.
But the best part was at the end of the school year, Auggie wins the Henry Ward Beecher medal for being the student “whose quiet strength has carried up the most hearts” as the principal of the school said.
It was an amazing movie, 5 stars, hand down.