The influence of young adults upon their community is made evident through their participation in various volunteer opportunities.
Even simple school efforts demonstrate student dedication to helping the community. Tomorrow students will come to campus to participate in the annual Green Up Boone. This event beautifies the campus with new landscaping, weeding and trash removal.
Another student effort is “Big Man on Campus”, a male personality pageant on March 23. Male students are volunteering their time and talents to raise funds for Haiti and prom.
Yet volunteering also expands beyond the school community. For example, students find the opportunity to give back through mission trips with their churches or other charitable organizations. These efforts may serve as life-altering and show students that the world is in need of assistance.
Through Locks for Love, people are able to donate more than their time to others; they are able to give up their hair. By donating at least 10 inches of hair one is able to help patients struggling with Alopecia, a disease which causes extreme hair loss.
All of these volunteer opportunities, plus more are covered in the Hi-Lights coverage on volunteering within the community.