Covert and her students examine a poem in one of her weekly study sessions. photo/JONATHAN WARREN

Preparing for an Advanced Placement exam can be a daunting task for students. Pamela Covert is hoping to help her Advanced Placement Literature by offering after school poetry sessions on Fridays.

The sessions consist of reading and analyzing a poem that has appeared on a previous exam. The goal is to increase speed, so students are able to analyze and write essays about poems in the time given. In the first session, Covert and her students examined a poem titled “The Centaur.” No more than six students may attend a session so students have a chance to give their input. By holding poetry sessions, Covert hopes that her students will be more prepared to pass their Advanced Placement exam on May 5.

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One thought on “Poetry circle aids in test preparation”
  1. Dear Jonathan, I love reading Hi-Lights and I was looking over this website because I was just wondering about a few things. (I’m leaving you this comment because I noticed that you;re editor-in-chief, so I assumed that you’re the person to talk to.) While I was flipping through the latest issue (Friday, October 8), I noticed that there were 9 articles (2 full pages) devoted to various sports teams at our school. Now, what I hope you understand is that I’m a huge Boone fan. I come to as many home games of any sport as I can. The thing is, I’m also very active in Chorus and Drama. What bothered me was that there was no mention of any of Boone’s arts programs. Chorus had a concert on October 11th, and the Drama Department has a show opening on October 27th that will run until the 30th. I just don’t see why there couldn’t’ve been a page to help advertise the work that these departments do. (I also believe there was a band concert at some point but I don’t remember the date.) I don’t want to sound like some snooty arts kid in this letter/comment thing, I just thought that it was a good idea to suggest it to you. Thank you so much and keep up the great work with Hi-Lights. Sincerely, Skylin

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