Skin is the one thing every teenager obsesses about.

Even the most butch guys are self conscious about their skin.  Teens may spend hours trying to fix every blemish and hide every zit.  Let’s face the cold, hard truth that no one is willing to say: one cannot fulfill our superficial society’s view of beauty without gorgeously flawless skin.

It’s so sad, but true.  And while those tacky acne commercials have a point that acne is mainly caused by your body’s biology, there are certain actions that one must avoid to not exacerbate the predicament.  Blemishes may be embarrassing, but worsening the problem with these disgusting choices will only draw even more attention to the problem at hand.

Avoid over the counter products. The skincare aisle of any drug store is endless.  It is a skin-freak’s nightmare, as there are about a billion different gels, lotions, astringents and toners that claim they will make your skin blemish-free in no time at all.

The companies that make products like Clearasil and other ridiculous acne-cure-alls are lying.  While one may see initial benefits to high amounts of benzoyl peroxide (the key ingredient in many over the counter acne medications) the results will not last.  Acne always comes back, there is no over the counter product that has truly lasting effects.

One’s best option is to see a dermatologist if concerned about blemishes.  These skin magicians can make anyone gorgeous.  The prescriptions they give to their patients are the true solution to acne.  Don’t be deceived by pretentious over the counter creams, all they are is a waste of money.

Don’t pick.  Picking at your pimples is the most disgusting habit one can possibly succumb to.  It gives those around you the heebie-jeebies.  It’s like a car accident on I-4; people are unable to stop staring no matter how absolutely appalling the sight may be.

While people may feel self conscious about their acne, that is not an excuse to pick and pop pimples.  Even touching acne with one’s hands makes the situation worse, as this places extraneous oils on the skin.

Medically, this is an unsound solution to blemishes as the end result is awful scaring.  Seeing an adult with post-adolescent acne scars is like he or she wearing a scarlet letter “U” for “ugly.”  Not only is popping a disgusting habit in and of itself, but the end results are enough to leave one branded as grotesque for the rest of his life.

Don’t overdo it. There is nothing more appalling than seeing a girl with a caked on face, or a boy who has dried out his skin with excessive acne creams.  Over stressing your skin is never the answer, so when dealing with your face just remember that moderation is key.

Girls should definitely avoid wearing too much make-up.  It is so trashy to see make-up built up over excessive blemishes, as there is hardly anyone that can successfully conceal awful skin through a full face of cover-up.  Skin needs to breathe, and it just makes one’s complexion look so unnatural when hiding beneath concealer.

Both boys and girls should avoid other excessive skin obsessions.  Those who use extreme amounts of benzoyl peroxide often have obnoxiously dry skin.  If skin is flaking away then one must stop using drying products and switch to oil-free lotions as they will not clog pores but simply keep skin looking healthy.

Also, people should not exceed a healthy amount of time staring at skin in the mirror.  It seems silly, but when they obsesses about the condition of their skin in a mirror the results never make them happy.  Instead, people should practice seeing themselves with a “soft focus,” not allowing eyes to scope-in on imperfections or pores.

One’s skin is the  most important part of the body.  Certain steps should be taken to help prevent the acne from becoming even more noticable.  And just keep in mind that since everyone is focusing on their own blemishes, no one is focusing on yours.

By admin

I love WP, Online Learning, Podcasting, Microsoft Office Applications, Video editing software, I can train on Mac OS X or Windows operating system, Web Design Software, Pasco Science probeware, iOS Devices, Web 2.0 Applications, Blogging

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