Our View: Community colleges benefit attendees
Despite the tenacity of common phrases uttered throughout Central Florida high school hallways like, “Valencia is a school for losers,” Valencia is an accredited learning environment.
Your online news source for students, by students
Despite the tenacity of common phrases uttered throughout Central Florida high school hallways like, “Valencia is a school for losers,” Valencia is an accredited learning environment.
One should look beyond the screaming fans and constant allegations to see the true star that is Justin Bieber. One hears at least 10 negative comments made about Bieber on…
This time of year there are numerous opportunities for students to get involved in the community.
Astrologists believe that one’s personality is predetermined from one’s date of birth. A person’s qualities and faults, even his most suitable profession can be revealed through a person’s Zodiac sign…
Freshman, Brianna Dickey is an avid believer in horoscopes and read her’s every morning before school. This is her diary of one week and her response to it’s predictions on…
Every morning millions of teenagers receive and closely study text messages and emails telling them what their horoscopes for the day will be.
The bright computer screen is the only light source in the room. The star reading fanatic checks his daily horoscope in hopes of sunny weather and good luck on an…
After the release of Blink-182’s Neighborhoods, one would think musician Tom Delonge would be sliding back in his seat, having completed Blink’s seventh studio album.
Boone Animal Rescue Club saves lives. Watch the sound slide on what they're doing.
With breathes held as the ball bounced around the box, junior Connor Wood connected with it, earning the team a point and cheers from the crowd.