Amway Center


With the NBA lockout over the All Star game will be held at The Amway Center this year. There is no question that well known celebrities will be attending and traveling around Orlando.

Orlando City Officials gave the okay for the NBA to build the 8 foot privacy fence blocking the celebs from everyone else during the All Star weekend game.

The fence or “Great wall of Amway” as Fox News is calling it will start on the north side of Church Street and Huey and will extend to Division on the inside of the curb. The only entrance will be at Church Street and Hughey.

The fence will not only block the average citizen from the celebrities but also block people from the businesses around the Amway Center. The fence will up for three days  Feb 23-26 and be taking down the Feb 27 .

“I feel like you should be able to see through the fence because people are going to be curious and their curiosity may get them in trouble,” senior Davon Palmer said.

It is estimated that the All Star weekend will equate to $100 million to Central Florida’s economy. The businesses that will be blocked off want compensation from the city.

“Of course the businesses should get compensated because with the businesses blocked off they are loosing profit from the amount of people coming to the NBA All Star event,” business teacher Jean Campbell said.



By admin

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