High school is the time when yearbooks are being bought, tickets to homecoming and senior prom are being sold and fees for AP classes are being paid, but having to ask parents for money is sometimes not the easiest task especially if money is an issue within a student’s household.

Attempting to get a job is the first step to relieving those problems.

“[Having a job] is very benefical. It prepares you for real world situations like applying for other jobs [in the future]. It gives you an inside look on how to distribute your money,” senior Michael Sanchez said.

Here are five steps to remember in the jobhunt.

1. Wear presentable clothes. It is said one’s clothing choice provides managers with insight into one’s work ethic. Wearing short shorts and a tank top that shows a midriff is not good choice, especially if the job is going to require a uniform.

“I think people should wear nice workplace attire. You also have to dress appropriately for the type of job you’re [going to apply for]. Also show your personality to a certain extent,” junior Leah Bisbee said.

2. Be persistent . Managers like to see if their possible future employee will check up on whether or not there are job openings. During an interview, managers need to know how serious a student is about getting the job. It lets the manager see the student is responsible.

3. Be flexible. Managers may not always give the best hours, but being willing to accommodate certain hours will give the student a higher chance of being hired. Being willing to comply with unpredictable scheduling changes conveys a sense of commitment.

4. Act perfessional. Sometimes talking to a manager about a job can be intimidating but acting shy can send a negative message. When talking to a manager, looking around everywhere instead of looking him in the eye can be perceived as rude. Being nervous is normal at first; in time it should become easier talking to the managers of possible future jobs.

5. Apply everywhere. Rather than waiting for one call back, applying at different locations for jobs will raise the chance of being hired. Having a detailed resume shows the employer the qualities that portray the kind of employee they are in need of.


By admin

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