SENIORS. The senior class participates in the homecoming parade. photo/STAFF

From homecoming events to shouting “brave” at the end of the National Anthem, traditions are boldly existent and visible around campus and in the community.

“Traditions make it more memorable because no one else has traditions like our school. I love it when we yell brave at the end of the national anthem because it shows we are the dominant school, and you can not mess with us,” sophomore Ivan Kaled said.

Traditions that have become non-existent are Class Olympics, weekly pep rallies and the untouchable Bravehead in the downstairs 100 building hallway.

“When traditions are eliminated, it is not only because of the administration. It is because of lack of participation and abusing the privilege,” Senior Class sponsor Sarah Kittrell said.

Class Olympics are where the class colors during homecoming week originated. Each class had a colored flag. The winning class got to hang the flag at the top of the stadium afterwards. The Olympics took place on the field, with games and food. Some games played were water balloon tosses, obstacle courses and musical chairs.

The event involved games being played in front a large crowd. People would pay to watch, even donate, and the proceeds went to a charity.
The weekly pep rally occurred every Friday in the gym before a football game. The football coach would give a speech to the students. Juniors would sit on one side of the gym; sophomores on the other and seniors would sit on the court in chairs.

As for the Bravehead painted on the floor of the 100 hallway, it was considered “off-limits” and was not to be walked upon. Seniors had a toothbrush at hands reach and if a senior spotted an underclassman walk across the Bravehead, they would make him scrub the Bravehead with a toothbrush.

“It was a pretty amazing concept and it was a matter of respect [to the school],” former student government sponsor and teacher Annette Montgomery said.

However a number of events continue to take place, such as Brave Aid, sit down dinner at prom, senior snakes and nearly all of the events during homecoming week: the parade, Braves Brawl and powder bowl game.

“All of the acts around homecoming [are important]. That is when you see the most unity and participation. It is neat to see the community rally around and see the crowds at the parade. The families are involved and that is important,” Montgomery said.

Brave Aid has been occurring for 26 years. It started when the school and the community were inspired to reach out by a celebrity benefit concert called Live Aid.

Other enduring traditions include the sit down meal at prom, which is included in the ticket price.

“When I first came to Boone, there was no sit down dinner [at prom], kids arrived at all hours. Junior Class worked hard and got it at a nice place; the first year was difficult to set up, but it has been a nice thing that has evolved. It serves a good purpose because our student body is so diverse and they are able to be the same and enjoy the company of everyone,” Kittrell said.

Not only have some traditions survived throughout the years, new traditions have formed like decorating planters during homecoming week and buying senior bricks.

During homecoming week, each class would decorate a hallway designated for their class. It has altered into decorating planters now, located in the Kemosabe commons.

“Students would take the hallway and decorate it with the designated homecoming theme. [They decorated] the ceilings, doors, and it took hundreds of hours to put it all together. We had to set a time for them to leave because they would keep adding onto it. The teachers and students from different hallways would yell at each other and chant orange and white from hall to hall. It was amazing. The fire marshal told us we could not do it anymore though,” Montgomery said.

The most recent change in tradition are senior sidewalks, which are being transformed into senior bricks.

“Senior sidewalks have been a tradition and this year we are altering it,” Kittrell said. “We will be selling bricks to seniors, if something happens, we can pick them up and move them. I am hoping this will become a new tradition and withstand time.”

By admin

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