[slideshow_deploy id=’61716′]Focusing solely on his school work since his freshman year, Gerald Baez is one of 10 valedictorians.  Baez was not involved in any clubs or activities because he wanted his time to be dedicated to his classes.

Baez took 2 Advanced Placement Spanish classes throughout high school.

“I will always remember the good times in Spanish class. I really love all my classmates. They are like family and being with them makes me feel at home,” Baez said.

Baez wanted to focus on his other classes and not overload himself with AP classes. There were times where his school work became overwelming.

“When everything piled up at once I felt like giving up, but I never did because I’ve come this far and wasn’t going to let everything I’ve worked hard for slip away,” Baez said.

Baez hardest class was Physics, but maintained an A by using YouTube to help him understand the lessons.

“I wanted to make my family proud. When my mom [heard I was a valedictorian] she hugged and kissed me saying how proud she was of me,” Baez said.

 Baez has a weighted GPA of 4.7143.

“I don’t think about [all of my school work] I just do it. I haven’t been diagnosed or anything but I think I have OCD, I think that’s what drives me,” Baez said.

Baez’s biggest motivation in school was getting into Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, which is the “Harvard of the Skies” meaning it is one of the top schools for one interested in piloting. Baez only applied to ERAU. It was where he has wanted to attend since fifth grade.

“The first time I went on a plane I fell in love with the concept of flight,” Baez said.

Baez will be attending ERAU in the fall and is planning on becoming a pilot. He is still waiting to find out what kinds of scholarships he can receive.

“[My advice to anyone wanting to be a valedictorian] is don’t be lazy, and use YouTube for anything you don’t know [in your classes],” Baez said.

Baze used YouTube throughout his years in school to go over different concepts and anything he didn’t understand in class.

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