On Oct. 5, Netflix teamed up with 200 locations nationwide to transform coffee shops into Lorelai and Rory Gilmore’s staple hangout, Luke’s Diner. Owner Joyce Adams and staff served free coffee in specialty cups and sleeves at The Coffee Garden from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Coffee Garden’s Phillip Whaling dressed in a Luke’s Diner apron and backwards baseball cap, matching Luke’s style from the show. Columbian Roast coffee, cookies and original episodes of Gilmore Girls playing in the background created a cozy and vibrant atmosphere as fans sipped, nibbled and watched.
“I really like [the decor]; I’m excited [for this event]. They have it down to the tee- they even have Luke’s hat on backwards and all the little things,” Rachel Hall, a lover of the show waiting in line said.
Fans began arriving to The Coffee Garden as early as 5:30 a.m., with a line forming by 5:45. Excitement built as the line strung out the parking lot and down Kaley St.
Luke’s Diner’s touchdown across the nation celebrated the 16th anniversary of Gilmore Girls’ premier and promoted the show’s upcoming revival on Netflix. The new series, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life continues the fan-beloved storyline about mother and daughter-duo, Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. The four 90-minute episodes are titled “Winter,” “Spring,” “Summer,” and “Fall.”
Coffee addicts and main characters Lorelai and Rory visited Luke’s Diner in nearly every episode of the original series. Luke became a close and loyal friend to them and a significant character throughout the series.
“[Luke’s] diner serves as a safe space throughout the show. If something is happening at home or [Lorelai and Rory] need a place to go, his diner is very much a place to just be okay,” senior Anjali Shinde said.
Overall, The Coffee Garden payed homage to Luke’s Diner with a welcoming and buzzing atmosphere. The event escalated fans’ excitement for Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life‘s premier Nov. 25, 2016.