The bright computer screen is the only light source in the room. The star reading fanatic checks his daily horoscope in hopes of sunny weather and good luck on an upcoming test that he failed to study for the next day. There are 12 Zodiac symbols, one for each month; each symbol having a different meaning. excess calories.

In 1000 B.C. Babylonian astronomers divided the ecliptic coordinate system into 12 equal areas of the sky. This was the first known “sky” divider. At that time, the Babylonian calendar assigned each month to a sign. Babylonian star catalogues entered Greek astronomy around the 4th century B.C. Especially important to the development of Western Zodiacs was astrologer,

Cladius Ptolemy, a person who tries to interpret the influence of heavenly bodies on human affairs, and astronomer, a scientific observer of the celestial bodies, whose book Tetrabiblos set the basis of the Western astronomy tradition.

“[The daily horoscope] has an organized way to think about your day. If you have a positive horoscope [that day] then your day will be positive,” sophomore Alexandria Davis said.

If a person is an Aquarius (water-bearer) he was born between Jan. 20 to Feb. 18. An Aquarius is a friend to the entire world. An Aquarius also cares about the environment. He is usually liked very much and likes to mix and mingle with strangers.

A Pisces (fish) is born Feb. 19 to March 20. A Pisces tends to lose himself in a world of dreams and imagination. He is also known for being extremely sensitive to those around him.

Aries (ram) are born from March 21 to April 19. He sets out with a brave heart and wants every thing to happen immediately, like if he asks someone for something he wants the action to happen immediately. Aries do not beat around the bush and are organized, leaders and very romantic.

A Taurus (bull) is born from April 20 to May 20. He is usually calm but has a rare temper if told to change his ways. He takes his time making a decision and sticks to what he knows.

A Gemini (twins) is born from May 21 to June 20. Geminis are usually friendly, quick-witted and love playing with words. A Gemini is enthusiastic and has to be informed about what is going on the in the world.

He who has the Zodiac sign of Cancer (crab) is born from June 21 to July 22. He is sensitive to the feelings of others, has a creative imagination and is devoted to his home and  family.

A Leo (lion) is born from July 23 to Aug. 22. A Leo is warm and radiant. He is ready to help anybody with any task big or small. He likes to be thanked for the good deeds he does.

A Virgo (maiden) is born from Aug. 23 to Sept. 23. Virgos are known for being studious. Likewise, they are not interested in glory for themselves but use their common sense to make sure the job is finished correctly.

A Libra (scales) is born from Sept. 24 to Oct. 22. He wants everything to be harmonious and peaceful. He dislikes anything that is rough or rude. Libras like their surroundings to be balanced and tasteful.

A Scorpio (scorpion) is born from Oct. 23 to Nov. 21. When he sets his mind on something, nothing can distract him. Scorpios are mysterious,  intense and truthful.

A Sagittarius (archer) is born from Nov. 22 to Dec. 21. He who falls under Sagittarius is generous and full of enthusiasm, and answers to himself and no one else.

A Capricorn (mountain goat) is born from Dec. 22 to Jan. 19. Capricorns are known for their determination and one can be depend on them.

Friendly, sensitive, brave, calm, quick-witted, creative, warm, studious, peaceful, mysterious, adventurous and determined. By learning about the different Zodiac symbols one can learn how to best understand and interact with others.

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