Astrologists believe that one’s personality is predetermined from one’s date of birth. A person’s qualities and faults, even his most suitable profession can be revealed through a person’s Zodiac sign based on his birthday. This quiz will help determine what Zodiac sign you are most like.
1. At the movie theater, you would rather watch a…
a. thriller b. romance
c. mystery d. comedy
2. Your favorite subject is…
a. math b. English
c. science d. art
3. Your friends always say you are…
a. the life of the party
b. kind hearted
c. intelligent
d. creative
4. In 10 years you could see yourself…
a. on Wall Street
b. teaching
c. creating the next iPhone
d. in the Arts
5. During summer vacation you could find yourself…
a. outside playing sports
b. doing charity work
c. reading your favorite book
d. shopping for the latest trends
6. Your style would be best be described as…
a. bright, young and fun
b. comfortable and down-to-earth
c. preppy and conservative
d. on the cutting edge
7. What color most describes you?
a. blue-adventurous b. green-nature loving
c. purple-thoughtful d. red-passionate
8. Which philosphy do you agree with most?
a. Seize the day!
b. Be true to yourself.
c. Knowledge comes through experience.
d. Go big or go home.
Mostly A’s: Aries, Leo, Sagitarious-Fire signs are known to be the life of the party. Energetic, active and independent, these fiery beings excel in business ventures because of their keen sense of finance. They are idealistic and courageous but can be impractical at times.
Mostly B’s: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn-These signs tend to be the most down to earth, which earns them the element of Earth. They are practical, cautious and good at managing people or things. They have a need for security and stability that keeps them focused. These kind-hearted souls can find themselves in the classroom teaching or in the medical field helping those in need.
Mostly C’s: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius-Air signs are intellectuals. They are social, articulate and have a need to understand, communicate and acquire knowledge. Their thirst for learning and need for achievement lets them attempt the impossible. The air signs are known to be tech-savvy.
Mostly D’s: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces-Water signs are sensitive, emotional, and intuitive. Their need to feel rather than think makes them psychic, creative and flexible. Their passion allows them to fight for what they want or believe in. The creative arts or politics are apt for water signs.