NEW UPDATES! (8/7/18)
Here is the 2nd draft of our calendar. This version has ALL of the Band, Chorus, and Orchestra dates. Our Fall, Winter, and Spring concerts are pending Mrs. Nampon’s approval. Drama dates will be added once they are selected. mrs. Miller is looking at possible performance dates.
Music Dept Calendar 18-19 Draft #2
NEW UPDATES! (6/7/18)
We are still working on next year’s dates. Check back here to find the 2018-2019 BOrc Calendar. See below for what to expect this year.
8th-grade band members can plan on September 7th for Middle School Night. This is when we go to a Boone HS football game and play in the stands with the Boone Band.
The Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, and Wind Ensemble will have a Fall Concert in October. I’m considering doing a Beginning, Cadet, and Concert band showcase in October or November.
Any discussion of a Fall Concert/Beginning Orchestra showcase for Orchestra students will need to be tabled until we have the final version of our orchestra class(s).
I’m looking at doing two performances at the Conway Farmers Market in the Fall. 1 with the jazz band and 1 with the orchestra.
ALL BOrc students will perform in their respective Winter (December) and Spring (May) concerts.
We are planning Evening of the Arts 2019 for some time in April or May. This will definitely feature the jazz band and orchestra, possibly the concert bands as well.
NEW UPDATES! (4/25/18)
The most updated version of the May Calendar