Beginning, Cadet, and Concert Band Page

NEW UPDATES (8/12/18)

Here is the Beginning Band Boot-camp link. It’s a set of YouTube videos. Have Fun! 

Here is the link to the US Arm Band’s Instrument Introductions

Here is the link to the HS Band Instrument Introductions

NEW UPDATES (7/31/18)

Notes if you are new to the CMS Band & Orchestra program

  1. For our newest beginners: WELCOME ABOARD!!! I will have some specific updates on the webpage for you soon. Until then – feel free to email me with ANY question you might have.
  2. If you are an experienced play joining us from another school: WELCOME TO CONWAY!! Please shoot me an email so I can make sure you are in the correct class(s).

For our Orchestra students

Mr. St. Jean is the new orchestra teacher! The orchestra class will still be taught in the band room. 

For our beginning band students: There is a VERY comprehensive and successful instrument selection process that we do at Conway MS. This is my 25th year of teaching, my 21st year at conway, and the 19th year we’ve used this system. I will give the students specifics on the system the 1st two days of school. Information will b available soon. I’m waiting on guidelines from the school as to how we will deal with the passing of information in our digital age.


Instrument Info Letters!
obtaining an instrument – alto saxophone
obtaining an instrument – bass clarinet
obtaining an instrument – bassoon
obtaining an instrument – clarinet
obtaining an instrument – euphonium
obtaining an instrument – flute
obtaining an instrument – French Horn
obtaining an instrument – oboe
obtaining an instrument – percussion
obtaining an instrument – tenor saxophone
obtaining an instrument – trombone
obtaining an instrument – trumpet
obtaining an instrument – tuba


For Tuba, Euphonium, French Horn, Bassoon, Oboe, Percussion students

If you shop online try these. Links to these websites are on the band webpage
If you’re shopping in town, stick with our approved vendors
Brass Mouthpiece Recommendations
(prices from the Woowwind Brasswind site:

Tuba: Blessing 18 $57.99
Trombone/Euphonium: Blessing 12C (small shank): 38.99
French Horn: Faxx 11: $27.99
Trumpet: Blessinf 7C: $24.99
I also recommend getting valve oil, 2 bottles should do it

Oboe & Bassoon Reed Recommendations:
Get the mid-level or professional ($15 range) Martin Lesher (Oboe)
Chartier for bassoon or oboe.
I recommend getting a 4-6 reed, reed case. Woowwind Brasswind carries them too

Percussion Recommendations
CMS has 2 sets of these sticks & mallets. 3 more sets are due to arrive next week. $20.00 per set
I order online through Percussion Source
Innovative percussion F10 Bell Xylo mallets: $12.95.
Vic Firth SD1 General Snar Sticks: $7.85
I recommend getting a stick bag too. Any bag in the $15.-$20 range is fine. I like the Vic Firth and Innovative Percussion bags

NEW UPDATES! (8/16/16)

Here are your Beginning Band (BB) and Cadet Band (CB) letters. Hard Copies will go home on Friday or Monday.  There’s also a website to check out for instrument info! And another musical term. PIANO
CB Info letter 16.17
BB Info letter 16.17

Instrument Testing is complete – What’s next?

  1. When are we playing? Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, this week so get your instruments as soon as you can!
  2. Do I still need to turn in the Instrument Selection Form? Yes – I need to make sure everyone at home knows what’s going on at school.
  3. What if I’m labeled as “NEW” on the seating chart? You still need to finish instrument testing and/or turn in your Instrument Selection Form.
  4. What do I need & when do I need it? See above for “when” (A.S.A.P.), and the letters sent home on Friday for “what”.
  5. Where do I get my instrument? School Instruments – see Mr. Nichols for the forms (as soon as the copier is working ), Rental instruments – check out the flyers sent home on Friday and the phone numbers in Friday’s letter.
  6. Where do I get my mouthpiece for tuba and Euphonium? Check out these websites or
  7. I’m a percussionist. What do I need? See the letter sent home on Friday, check out these websites or
  8. What if I have further questions? Call or email Mr. Nichols.