NEW UPDATES! (4/16/18)
Information for the Boone Hs orchestra can be found here:
Email Mr. Cook for more information:
Boone Hs Band information: WilliamRBooneMSBrochure2018
Email Mr. Jackson for more information: .
Not going to Boone? Email me & I can hook you up with your High School’s music department!
NEW UPDATES! (4/12/18)
Apparently, the update I did with the current BHS info did not save properly when I did it in February. I should have the brochures re-uploaded later today.
Congratulations! You found another one!! “Do not fear mistakes. There are none.”
NEW UPDATES! (5/2/17)
Email Mr. Jackson about Boone HS Band .
Email Mr. Cook about Boone HS Orchestra
ALL 8th graders are encouraged to join their high school bands! Marching band is the most daunting part of a student’s/parent’s transition, but only because it’s new. The MS to HS adjustment is VERY similar to the elementary school music to MS band adjustment. Let me offer some positives attached to HS band.
- After marching band camps – the freshman will already have a known, safe place to go in the sea of people that is the average Orlando HS. They will also have 150-200 new friends before the 1st day of school.
- Of all the “new” things that take place in the middle school to high school transition, music is the most consistent.
- All of the benefits of music education on a student’s brain development, social skills, organizational skills and responsibility, are increased tenfold from MS to HS
- I can put you in contact with your HS band director. All you need to do is email me what school you’re going to attend and I will forward it along to the appropriate director(s).
- Not signed up for band but still wish to join? I can help you with that too!
- Students will be well insulated (and frankly too busy from August to November) from many of the bad social influences that will lead to poor choices.
- It’s just flat-out FUN! Don’t believe me? Do a year of HS band, come back & tell me I was wrong. In the 17 years I’ve been at Conway, I can count on one hand the number of students who did not enjoy their first year of HS band.