Edgewater High School Newspaper Established 1952

Let Us Play

After all the hard work and late study nights were finally going to be rewarded. With the Student vs. Faculty basketball game. The halls became full with sorrow after the game was canceled for the second time and hour and a half before the game on January 13.


The student and faculty game has been an Edgewater tradition for years. When the game was canceled for the second time everyone had a pretty good idea of why.


“The game was canceled because of all the fights,” sophomore Aracelis Velez said. “Like five fights happened last week. There haven’t been any punishments so it keeps happening.”


In the 2016-2017 school year there has been what displays as an outbreak of violence.


“Violence from outside school being brought into school and issues outside of school being brought into the classroom,” said Principal Mark Shanoff.  


In fifth period, January 13, Principal Shanoff came onto the loudspeaker and officially canceled the game. He told the school it was because of fighting and to do a big event like a basketball game the school has to be a safe environment.


He gave a thank you to the Be the Change club for being so productive and helpful. It’s not directed towards the whole school, or is it?


The whole school was punished for the actions of a few kids. The student body is now expected to “draw a line in the sand” and make a change.


All that we need is one person saying something nice or one person stepping back. Hopefully, the game will be rescheduled soon and our school can beat this spring of violence.