By: Intefada Lutfi and Maya Surrency “The Mu Alpha Theta program started with Mr. Martinez and Mr. Rohit but then I had taken it over and started offering
By: Intefada Lutfi and Maya Surrency On January 17, our National Honor Society inducted 45 new members. NHS is a club that is sponsored by Ms. Ivette Acevedo.
Poll of 40 students on whether or not they plan on coming to school the Monday of Thanksgiving Break 2017. The poll was random and anonymous 42 students.
Hurricane season is upon us and students all over the school are being affected, especially by Hurricane Irma. Suffering from everything as light as loss of power to
By: Maya Surrency and Intefada Lutfi The first day of high school and you’re finally a sophomore. What is going through any given sophomore’s mind? “I was so
By: Maya Surrency and Intefada Lutfi Get ready for Irma Florida! Hurricane Irma is now being considered a Category 3 hurricane and many places have been closing down