

Tomorrow night at 8 p.m., the much loved 70’s themed Polyester Paradise dance returns to the Dover Shores Community Center.

Since its departure in 2011, students have missed Polyester Paradise.  As an incentive to get students to vote in State Farm’s Celebrate My Drive competition, principal Dr. Margaret McMillen promised the return of the dance if the school won.

While the goal was the $100,000 grant, to repeat last year’s success, was not met, the school did earn enough votes to win $25,000.  Working with the Parent Teacher Student Association, Dr. McMillen rewarded the students with the return of the dance.

“Seniors and juniors have experienced the dance and are thrilled it is back.  Sophomores and freshman have never attended but know its legacy.  I think everyone is excited to dress up in fun costumes and add some more entertaining memories to their high school experience,” Laura Goeb, PTSA’s Polyester Paradise co-chair member, said.

Polyester Paradise offers students a casual alternative to homecoming and prom. With tickets only $15 compared to $35 and $75, respectively, and most students shopping at thrift stores for clothes, the casualness is reflected in both attire and price point.

“It’s the best [school dance because it’s] laid back and fun. Instead of having to wear formal clothes, I get to wear polyester pants with a crazy print,” junior Melvin Torres said.

Although the dance is a memorable occasion, it serves a deeper purpose than just a fun night out.  With money generated from selling 450 tickets, the PTSA plans to pass the proceeds back to the school through events, projects and scholarships.

No tickets will be sold at the door.  If attending, bring a Boone student ID along with the pre-purchased ticket.

By Thomas McDonald

Web Editor in Chief

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