Tonight, the country’s first primary will set the stage for election season. With New Hampshire voters being known as the political opposites of those in Iowa, tonight’s results could prove much different results than the Iowa caucuses showed.
“[I want a candidate] that is as honest as possible and who shares my views on social issues,” U.S. government teacher Sydney Olson said.
On Monday, Feb. 1, the Iowa caucus chose republican candidate Ted Cruz with 27.6 percent and Hillary Clinton was the democrat winner with 49.9 percent.
The Iowa caucus presented shocking outcomes. Republican candidate Donald Trump, who has been leading polls for months, came in second at 24.3 percent, with Marco Rubio trailing behind at 23.1 percent. Another shock was Sanders’ earning 49.6 percent to rank directly behind Clinton, especially after starting off his campaign 41 percent behind her.
Once Iowa figures posted, republican candidate Mike Huckabee and democratic candidate Martin O’Malley ended their campaigns for presidency.
The New Hampshire results may be different from Iowa because NH is the second most non-religious state in the country, while Iowa flies in the middle, according to The Washington Post. Voters potentially sway different ways based upon religious views.
“[Iowa and New Hampshire may be different] because more religious states might be more likely to vote conservatively,” sophomore Heather Pell said.
Traditionally, NH voters reflect the actual outcome of the final presidential candidates. Between 1916 and 1992, every elected president had won the New Hampshire primary. Results for tonight’s primary will start posting around 9 p.m. Eastern time.
After NH, Nevada and South Carolina will conduct the next primaries on Saturday, Feb. 20.