COOKIN' IT. Stir the pasta occasionally as it boils.
COOKIN’ IT. Stir the pasta occasionally as it cooks in boiling water.

As high schoolers prepare for the real world, they need to learn how to cook healthy foods without the aid of a microwave. Getting to know the kitchen before leaving the nest lessens the chance of cooking accidents or packaged diets when living alone. Click here to watch a video on how to cook an easy meal of pasta and red sauce.


  • 1 box pasta of choice
  • 1 jar red spaghetti sauce
  • 3 quarts water


  1. Fill a large pot halfway with water.
  2. Heat pot of water to a boil.
  3. Add pasta to boiling water and cook for eight to 10 minutes, or until desired tenderness.
  4. While the pasta is cooking, use a sauce pan to heat red sauce on low. Keep lid on to avoid splatters.
  5. Strain pasta into a colander.
  6. Serve heated sauce over cooked pasta.

By Chasity Maynard

Howdy, I’m Chasity, reference editor. In addition to journalistic writing, I love music, running, dancing, and poetry. I am the lead trumpet player in my ensemble and a lifeguard, as well. I juggle my busy schedule with a mild chocolate addiction and an awful habit of spewing bad puns. I live by this quote: “Shoot for the moon. If you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

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