Punk Rock band Yellowcard performed their last show in the United States on Nov. 23 at the House of Blues in Disney Springs. The Jacksonville natives, who formed in the summer of ’96, released their 10th and final album in the beginning of 2016. The group then set out on an international tour starting in California and ending in Japan on March second.
The night began with two opening acts. The first came from New Jersey-based Dryjacket. The group played several songs off of their two albums including “Two Toasters” and “Jefferson’s Shadow”. Even though they are new to cross-country touring, Dryjacket still provided an entertaining and engaging first act. Dryjacket’s sound lines with that of Yellowcard’s, and resembles that of Tiny Moving Parts.
After Dryjacket’s short performance the second opening act took the stage. The second group, called Like Torches, hails from Sweden and formed with help from Yellowcard’s lead singer Ryan Key. Like Torches opened for Yellowcard through the entirety of their U.S.A leg of the tour, and their drummer will play with Yellowcard overseas. The group raged across the stage with some of their hits including “Missing it All” and “Keep Your Head High.” Key even made an appearance on vocals for their second to last song.
Around 10 p.m. Yellowcard finally came on stage. After playing their hit “Way Away” Key announced that they would play two sets for the night: their hit album Ocean Avenue in full and a collection of their greatest hits from their other nine albums. Key’s parents and child, who he made specific mention to throughout the show, attended the concert. Also, during their performance of the song Ocean Avenue, former lead guitarist Pete Mosley came on stage and played through the song with the rest of the band. Mosley had a heavy hand in the creation of Yellowcard’s smash hit album, and as such garnered an roaring applause from the audience at his arrival.
After raging through their first act, the band took a five minute break then came back for the second set. Among the multitude of hits played during the set, standout songs like “Five becomes Four,” “Rest in Peace” and “Lights and Sounds” had the audience screaming their lungs out. Yellowcard’s fan base consists of both old fans and new; every song meant something special to someone in the audience. That being said, their wasn’t a single moment when the crowd wasn’t on their feet, dancing and singing along. Despite the group’s waning popularity in the mainstream music scene, the group maintains a die-hard fan base that goes all out in celebrating Yellowcard’s extensive musical history.
With over 20 years on music under their belt, Yellowcard put on a musical performance that offered a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The group still sounded just as good as they did during their first tour, and the fact that they played an entire second set show their dedication to their music. While the group may finally be retiring in 2017, their legacy lives on through this tour and the vast catalogue of music they leave in their wake.
What: Yellowcard Final World Tour
Where: House of Blues Orlando
When: 11/23
price: $25.50