The Lady Braves weightlifting team (3-1) challenged the Oak Ridge Pioneers (1-1) on Nov. 29. The girls team celebrated their last home meet of the season and their senior night.
The event began with the bench press. Senior Rachael Carroll completed a series of bench presses, leading up to a 155 pound bench press and senior Hannah Harbich Kuster maxed at a 125 pound bench press. Junior Felicia Dameus attained a personal record with her bench press of 110 pounds.
Senior Jae Crawford conquered her weight division. Freshman Gladys Bristol and Carroll each achieved first place in their weight divisions, as well. Kuster and senior Thayzmar Alicea Ortiz also scored first in their weight classes for the bench press.
As the weights stacked on the bars, the crowd for both teams grew increasingly loud and supportive. In the clean and jerks segment of the meet, junior Georgia Clark reached a personal record of 115 pounds. Crawford clean and jerked 185 pounds, tying with Boone’s record for the highest girls clean and jerk. Crawford hopes to beat Boone’s record at the upcoming weightlifting event.
The Lady Braves compete at the Metro Conference on Dec. 5. The meet is at Timber Creek High School at 5 p.m.