Do or DIY: Holiday crafts spruce up season

With the busy holiday season approaching, decorations can take the backseat for activities. These quick crafts add a simple, holiday touch to any room.

Santa Clause Pot creates a natural holiday air that can be kept for oneself or used as a gift. Do or DIY: Holiday crafts spruce up season


•Terra-cotta pot

•Red yarn

•White ribbon


•Craft glue

•Hot glue

Seasonal Plant (tree trimmings or poinsettias work best)


  1. Cover pot in craft glue
  2. Starting from the bottom wrap red yarn tightly around (reapply glue as necessary)
  3. Wrap until the dip at the top of the pot
  4. Seal with hot glue
  5. Apply a dot of hot glue and attach ribbon at the top
  6. Wrap around and seal with hot glue
  7. Apply a dot of hot glue to red yarn
  8. Attach buttons to hot glue
  9. Add seasonal plants as desired

Christmas Tree Pom Pom Garland differs from the traditional popcorn and cranberries while still adding a flare to any room or office.


Pom Pom garland

•3 shades of green felt

• Scissors

• Clothes pins

• Hot glue


  1. Measure triangle shapes onto one piece of green felt
  2. Create middle square shape with angled sides on another shade of felt
  3. Create largest shape on last felt sheet
  4. Apply hot glue to clothes pin
  5. Press felt pieces onto clothes pin (triangle piece goes on the end that opens)
  6. Repeat as desired
  7. Attach pins to garland

Paint Chip Gift Tags amplify gift wrapping with a creative twist.


• Paint chips (3 tone works best)


• Hole punch

• Ribbon

• Scissors


  1. Draw out light bulb shape onto back of paint chip (pencil works best.)
  2. Cut out the shape (use this as stencil for others)
  3. Hole punch top of the shape
  4. Tie ribbon through the hole
  5. Repeat as desired






By Kyla McCrary

Hey! I'm Kyla McCrary, I am the editor in chief for Boone Pubs and a Boone cheerleader. I love to get lost in a good book and cry during cheesy movies. I get through the day with an abundant amount of candy and iced coffee.

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