Governor Ron Desantis announced that the state of Florida would enter a state of emergency and a “lockdown” to prevent the spread of the coronavirus or COVID-19 on March 11. Since then, new regulations enforced by the Center for Disease Control and national, state and local governments are in place to help people stay safe throughout this outbreak.
The U.S government declared a state of emergency just two days prior to the Florida governor’s announcement.
Additionally, the city of Orlando also enforced a stay-at-home order where residents are encouraged to practice social distancing and only allowed to gather essential items, care for a loved one or attend essential medical appointments.
The CDC states the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to avoid being exposed to the virus. They recommend that one practice social distancing, which is to maintain a six foot difference between one individual and another. They encourage people to wash their hands with soap and water more frequently and only touch their faces with clean hands. Stay at home as much as possible and if one were to go out using a nonsurgical cloth mask that covers one’s mouth and nose.
Following the guidelines provided by the state, local, and national governments can help one to stay safe and healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak.