Lauren Barfield is one of 27 valedictorians.

What college do you plan to attend? “Florida State University.”

What do you intend to major in? “Instrumental Music Education.”

What other colleges have accepted you? “New York University, Eckerd College, University of Texas at Austin.”

What extracurriculars did you participate in?Troupe 1139 theatre department, Gay-Straight Alliance, Sound of the Braves marching band, Poetry Club, and Math Club.”

What was your favorite Boone tradition? “Senior snake.”

What advice would you offer for incoming students? “Some people will tell you that you can’t have fun and get good grades; these people are wrong.”

What do you do in your spare time? “I like to sew.”

What was your favorite class in high school? “AP Physics with Mr. Undieme. It was also the hardest class I took, but it was cool because there were only three other students in the class, and you could tell he was passionate about teaching.”

What’s your best study tip? “Leave your phone in another room.”

What’s your favorite after-school food spot?Chick-fil-A.”

What’s your favorite memory from high school? “My favorite memory is hearing the applause of a crowd after a school performance. After working hard for months with your peers to put something together, it all pays off, and there’s this moment of pure appreciation between the audience and performers.”

What’s an interesting fact about you? “I play the harp.”

By Calla Curry

Hey! I'm Calla Curry, the editor-in-chief for BoonePubs' newspaper, Hilights. In addition to writing and editing, I love theatre, history, and Dunkin' iced coffee.

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