SAFE ambassadors rally for a drug free existence at the Red Ribbon Rally on Tuesday.


In honor of Red Ribbon week, SAFE ambassadors attended the annual rally at Lake Eola.

“The rally was motivating and inspirational to stay away from drugs because they had informative speakers and acts,” SAFE officer Alexandra Beavers said.

Radio station XL 106.7 sponsored the event.  Guest speakers such as army representatives discussed addiction to substances such as inhalants, prescription pain medication and nicotine.  Boone was also declared a red ribbon certified school, an application process overseen by SAFE coordinator Janibelle Jackson.

Timber Creek, Edgewater and Wekiva high schools were also in attendance.  However, the majority of the audience was in middle school.

“Inviting middle school students gets kids at an early age to know the negative effects of drugs.  It also exposes them to what drugs really are and how they should stay away from them,” SAFE communications representative Eryn Riconda said.

To uphold the mood of the event, various performers provided entertainment.  The Bravettes danced twice throughout the two-hour rally.  Overall, Riconda deemed the rally a successful trip.

“Listening to the inspirational speakers and seeing all of the captivated students made the Red Ribbon Rally a success,” Riconda said.

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