NEW UPDATES (7/31/18)
I hope everyone is enjoying the last few weeks of summer! Please read below carefully.
- Orchestra Students! Mr. St. Jean is your new teacher. I will be removing the orchestra information from this page after the 2nd week of school.
- Check your schedules carefully!!! There have been several changes to my classes (more information below). If you do not have a band class come see me!!! Orchestra students should do the same thing. I no longer have access to the orchestra rosters, I have no way of knowing who is in the classes.
- If you think you were not given the proper band or orchestra class: PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!
- Band schedules may shift after the initial printing, and after the 1st 2 weeks of school.
- Right now the Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band are in the same class period. I’ve made a request top have some of our Band 2 (Symphonic Band) students moved to a Band 1 class period so we can better serve their musical growth.
- If you have any questions regarding your schedule, please see me or email me.
When do we play? Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble will begin playing on Wednesday the 15th or Thursday the 16th. Guitar (Small Change Strummers is our name) will begin playing about the 3rd week of school (I’ll have a better idea by the 1st day of school). Beginning, Concert, and Cadet Bands (that’s periods 5,6,7) Will begin playing in 3-4 weeks. The Instrument selection process takes 3-4 weeks depending on class sizes. I do not know when Orchestra will begin playing. That will be up to Mr. St. Jean.
The 2018-2019 Music Calendar will be available soon. 8th graders (and the 7th graders in 3rd period) Should plan on an evening performance on Friday, September 7th. That is our annual Middle School Night at Boone HS. More details soon!
NEW UPDATES (7/17/18)
Here is a July Update. First big news, is that this page will return to being a BAND web-page shortly after school starts (we’ll let mr. St. jean get settled before I return this page to it’s former band-ness). The CMS Orchestra will now be directed by Mr. St. Jean. Orchestra students will remember him as the school’s permanent sub. Conway wanted to add French and an orchestra teacher. Mr. St. Jean is a French Speaking Violinist!
The orchestra class will still just be 1 period, and will still be taught in the band room. There are many logistical, instrumental, and musical challenges with our current set up. fell free to contact me with questions or concerns.
ATTENTION ALL ORCHESTRA MEMBERS! We have seen some seismic shifts in our band class scheduling for this upcoming school year. If you do not have a band class and you think you should, please contact me ASAP and we’ll see if we can get you back into class.
Stay tuned for the publishing of our concert dates! once we get final approval from Mrs. Nampon I’ll post them up on the calendar page.
NEW UPDATES (6/7/18)
I hope everyone has enjoyed the start of their summer. I’ve actually been at school every day of the summer so far. The Nichols Clan will finally take some downtime in NY & NJ next week to visit family.
Notes for returning players
- Returning 7th & 8th-grade students. PLEASE look carefully at the blue coarse selection papers that were sent home on 5/25.
- Returning Students should be in either Band 2 (7th graders) or Band 3 (8th graders). I know for a fact that several of the course codes on the blue papers are incorrect. Jazz Band is Instrument Ensemble 2 or 3.
- Orchestra students should have Orchestra 2 or Orchestra 3.
- Several students returned my encouragement letters. You will not have the correct band classes. Those letters never made it to the guidance counselors. (that mistake is on me).
- Several students do not have the correct band/orchestra classes or are missing band & orchestra entirely. I’ve sent my list of corrections up to the guidance counselors.
- I encourage you to contact the guidance counselors next week. I believe they will be doing schedules next week so you can be sure to be in the correct band/orchestra class(s). A parent call will get things adjusted MUCH faster than a teacher request. The more students we fix in June, the easier our August will be.
- PLEASE keep practicing. Playing your instrument is a GREAT way to break summer boredom.
- PLEASE be sure to read a book or two!!
- If you have any questions – please email me. I’ll be answering them all summer – even when we hit the beach.
Notes if you are new to the CMS Band & Orchestra program
- For our newest beginners: WELCOME ABOARD!!! I will have some specific updates on the webpage for you soon. Until then – feel free to email me with ANY question you might have.
- If you are an experienced play joining us from another school: WELCOME TO CONWAY!! Please shoot me an email so I can make sure you are in the correct class(s).
For our Orchestra students
I do have big news, but I’ve not been given permission to share it yet. Remember what we said in class: There IS an orchestra, it will be taught in a room on campus, and it will be taught by a music teacher. As soon as I am able to let you know the specifics, I will post them here.
NEW UPDATES (5/24/18)
Dear Orchestra Families: As of this update, I do not have information about next year’s orchestra teacher. As I’ve said from our 1st class two years ago – it is my design to grow the orchestra program into one of the biggest & strongest in the county. That growth will not happen as long as I am teach both band and orchestra. While I have an idea of what will be happening next year, nothing has been made official to me yet. I told the students what I know, I will now share it with you.
- There will be an orchestra (3 levels next year!!!)
- It will be taught by a certified music teacher.
- It will be taught in a classroom someplace on campus.
- I do not know specifically who will teach the class or where it will be taught.
- I’m just as anxious as the rest of you to find out what’s going on J
As I get more information from the guidance and administration I will pass it along. Please note that said information may not be available until teacher pre-planning.
End of the year close-out.
Friday is the last playing day of the 2017-2018 school year. Tuesday & Wednesday next week will be non-playing days. Jazz band has two performances on Friday morning: Our Final Courtyard Concert at 9:00, and the 4th Elementary School Visit during 1st period. Please arrive at school by 8:30 to help set up our performance space. We will wear jazz band t-shirts and jeans (no shorts please!!!) Below are several items to keep us running smoothly the last few days.
- Our Exams will be finished by the end of the day today. As I type this – only 6th period is left to test. I’m mostly sure that the exam scores will be on their report cards.
- ALL playing assessments (Band Karate & Skill Checks) must be completed by 4:30 on Friday
- ALL personal instruments need to be taken home at the end of the day on Friday.
- ALL lockers need to be cleaned out by 4:30 on Friday.
- Any notes for excused absences from the concert need to be turned in my Wednesday morning.
- 6th & 7th graders who wish to sign out their school instruments need to fill out the OCPS Prop-4 & OCPS M-4 forms before the instruments can go home. I will have the forms available in class on Friday.
- PLEASE practice over the summer!! If we play for the last time in class on May 25th and you next play on August 15th, you will lose most (if not all) of the musical growth we achieved this year.
- 8th graders who need school instruments should communicate with their HS band director.
NEW UPDATES (5/18/18)
The end is near! Next week we have the band spring concert on Monday night in the cafeteria. Friday morning we have the final elementary school visit and courtyard concert for jazz band. We have final exams Monday-Thursday next week (more on that later).
ATTENTION ALL ORCHESTRA MEMBERS!!!! We are NOT performing at the Conway Farmers Market on Sunday!!!! Reasons range from instrumentation to weather. We will do a Farmers Market performance in the fall!!
I want to thank everyone for getting through this busy week of performances. The Evening of the Arts was a great success! I am already planning EOTA 2019!
Enjoy your weekend!! BUT don’t forget to study for the CFE’s.
NEW UPDATES (5/10/18)
NEW UPDATES (5/10/18)
Here is the Evening of the Arts letter. The Farmers market letter will be ready soon. Evening of the Arts 2018
NEW UPDATES (5/8/18)
Orchestra: Great Concert last night!
We have TWO more performances!!
May 16th: Evening of the Arts, 5:30-5:50, outside the band room.
May 20th: Conway Farmers Market (with Boone HS’ orchestra), 11:45-12:30, Barber Park
Detailed letters will be out soon!
NEW UPDATES (5/7/18)
**I’m making adjustments to Progressbook. The DPA’s (Daily Playing Assessments) took up too much room & cluttered up progressbook. I’m slowing turning the 16 daily grades into 4 weekly averages of those grades. It will take me a few days to complete. I’ve finished the 1st week. Please email me if you have any questions. We will not have any moree DPA’s this term, as we will be in full orchestra mode from 5/9- the end of the year.
Band students are in a bit of a lull this week as there are no performances. Orchestra has their Spring Concert on Tuesday!!! I’d like to move the call time to 6:00 for Tuesday night. Because of testing schedules, we’ll be missing about 1/3 of Orchestra 1 & about ½ of Orchestra 2. If we can meet at 6:00, we can do a quick run of our music before we move to the cafeteria.
NEXT WEEK is VERY busy. We have the chorus concert on 5/15 (ECO), ES Visit #3 (Jazz Band) & Evening of the Arts on 5/16 (Orchestra & Jazz Band), Academic Awards on 5/17 (Jazz Band), and the Conway Farmers Market on 5/20 (Orchestra).
Band Karate for all SB/WE/BB/CB is due this Friday (This Thursday for 8th graders). Students need 6 completed by 4:30 on Friday.
Jazz Band Skill Checks for the remainder of the year will be bonus based. If you do a solo in a performance, you will get the points.
Orchestra will have one more Skill Check the week of 5/21. Details will follow after we have the bell schedule for the CFE exams.
CFE review sheets will be ready by the end of the week.
NEW UPDATES (5/1/18)
Our Spring Concert is NEXT TUESDAY!!!! With 7th graders testing Thursday this week, and Monday/Tuesday next week – we are VERY short on rehearsal minutes. PLEASE use every minute of rehearsal time available AND let’s get some practicing done!!! You will find recordings of our music on the “Spring Concert Practice Recordings” page.
We have two, more performances in May (5/16 at CMS & 5/20 at Barber Park). Mr. Cook & the Boone HS orchestra will be joining us for the May 20th performance. I will have details &, music ready for everyone on May 9th. (the music is 90% set – Mr. Cook has 2 more Boone Concerts this week. We’ll hash out our combined pieces after he’s had time to rest)
The Spring Concert (Orchestra) Letter 2018 signature is due on Friday this week. Due to the mess that our schedule has been this week – I will extend the deadline to Monday. FYI – I will be putting in 0’s for all missing letters Friday afternoon.
NEW UPDATES (4/25/18)
Performance updates!
May 8th: Spring Orchestra & Guitar Concert. Call Time is 6:15, performance time is 7:00.
May 16: Evening of the Arts. Call Time is 5:00, performance is 5:40-5:50.
May 20th: Conway Farmer’s Market (Barber Park). Call time is 11:00. Performance time is 11:45-12:30. Orchestra 1, Orchestra 2 and the Boone Orchestra will be performing.
Letters for each performance will be out next week. Concert dress for May 16 & 20 will be the BOrc T-Shirts & Jeans (no shorts please!) Concert dress for May 8th, is full concert black for Orchestra 2, BOrc T-shirts & black pants for Orchestra 1.
NEW UPDATES (4/11/18)
There will be a LOT of updates here soon. We have 3 concerts in May. Our Spring Concert on May 8th, The Conway Arts night on May 16th, and the Conway Farmers Market on May 20th.
Congratulations! You found another one!! “We all need some Fiddle Fingers!!!”
NEW UPDATES (3/5/18)
Please read the Main Page and Concert Info Page.
The Orchestra students are working on music for the Spring Concert, Scales, Methode Book Pages, Improving Behavior, and our “Encouragement” Drive.
Behavior: there is WAAAAAAAAY too much talking going on in rehearsals. Please remember that the more you talk, the less we play.
“Encouragement” Drive: It’s that time of year again (same as every year – just earlier than years past) where we try to encourage students who have not re-upped for band next year, to reconsider their elective selection order. We’ve spoken in a large group setting, and on Tuesday (6th) and Wednesday (5th) we’ll have our small-group talks, and I’ll pass out my “Encouragement” letters.
Go Orchestra.
NEW UPDATES (10/27/17)
On the calendar, we have 13 rehearsals until the concert. In reality, we only have 6 or 7. because both orchestras (1 & 2) are in the same class – they only get 1/2 of the rehearsal time. We are now in our 3rd version of A/B/Full rehearsals, and I think THIS version will do the trick for the next 2 1/2 weeks. That said, our biggest struggle has been the work of the students themselves. When I’m working with Orchestra 2, Orchestra 1 MUST be focused and practicing. The same goes for Orchestra 2 on an Orchestra 1 day.
NEW UPDATES (9/26/17)
Open House Bonus Paper! I will have a special bonus sheet available at the open house on Thursday. If you are unable to attend the open house on Thursday, I will make the papers available to the students on Friday. ALL papers must be tuned in by Tuesday, 10/3. Full details about the bonus are on the paper.
We are officially in our 3rd week of playing. We still have about 2 or 3 students who do not yet have an instrument. PLEASE let me know if I can assist you in finding your instrument. Don’t forget to pick up the Essential Elements For Strings Book 1 when you get your instrument.
ALL Orchestra 2 students need Essential Elements For Strings Book 2.
We need a name for Orchestra 2!!! The Orchestra 1 class will still be Falcon Strings. We need a name for the 2’s. Start thinking!!!
NEW UPDATES (9/8/17)
For all of the students who left their instruments at school (we all thought we had Friday to clear out) I went into school today to cover all of the string instruments with plastic bags. I also moved instruments from the lower lockers to upper lockers. If your locker was locked and I had your combination, I was able to move them. If I did not have your combination I was unable to move them. Everyone be safe this weekend. Remember what we discussed in class: DON’T play outside Sunday night! 🙂
NEW UPDATES! (8/23/17)
Instrument selection forms have been sent home. Get them in before Friday!!!
NEW UPDATES! (8/2/17)
Still plowing through my typing lists. Please read the main Borc page.
NEW UPDATES! (6/29/17)
Lots of info coming soon but if you can’t wait: scroll to the bottom and work your way up. Feel free to email me with any questions.
Returning players should read the main page!!!
NEW UPDATES (5/17/17)
GREAT CONCERT LAST NIGHT!! To quote Mr. Canamas: “They killed it!”
Check out this flyer from our friends at Atlantic Strings: StepUpSaturdayFlyerFinal-compressed
Final Exam and school closeout information for Band and Orchestra students
NEW UPDATES (5/1/17)
Spring Concert (Orchestra) Letter 2017. Please note the printed copies say”Friday” May 9th. The 9th is a Tuesday.
MAY IS BUSY!!! KNOW YOUR DATES (Orchestra Version)!!!!
- May 9th DUE DATE: Orchestra Concert Letter
- May 16th CONCERT: Orchestra Spring Concert
- May 25th DUE DATE: Orchestra Skill Check #2
- May 26th Dude Date: Last day for Band Karate.
- May 24-May 26: Common Final Exams (CFE’s) (Exact Schedule TBA)
- May 25th or 26th: Last playing day/locker clean-out day (Exact day pending the posting of the CFE schedule)
- May 31st: Last day of school/last day to turn in CFE Bonus Packet
Boone Concerts: May 9th (orchestra) May 11th (Band
NEW UPDATES! (4/7/17)
Congratulations to Roxie Hall, Dominic Mellone, Sky Carny, and Morgan Ewing on Being the FIRST CMS students to participate in the FOA Solo and Ensemble MPA. Both of our duets (violin & cello) earned Excellent ratings at S & E MPA.
Check out the Spring Concert Practice Recordings page!
NEW UPDATES! (4/7/17)
Please see the main page and concert pages for updates. Current 6th & 7th graders – WE NEED YOU!!! If you have not signed up for orchestra in the 2017/2018 school year, we’ll be talking soon!. Please encourage any of your friends in the 6th & 7th grade to join orchestra. We DO have a beginning orchestra class for 7th & 8th graders who have never played an instrument before!
NEW UPDATES! (4/3/17)
Our Spring Concert is May 16th! We have our 3 music selections in the folders. PLEASE take time to practice your music AND the book!
As I’ve told the students, the growing pains of a new program require patience and adjustment. While I DO need to hear each student play individually and attach some type of grade to what I hear, I do NOT want to make the process cumbersome or stressful for anyone (myself included). I feel the Skill Check format IS an effective tool (I have a strong dislike for “playing tests”). I’ve used a very similar format in Jazz Band for 6 years. I heard a tremendous amount of growth from the students between the 1st and 4th Skill Checks. The ONLY grades below 90 were given to talking during the Skill Check, while other students are playing, or students who did not do them at all. What is important to me is that the students are trying and getting better. I’m not about to hammer anyone over a grade by deducting for every little mistake.
With that said: Doing 4 Skill Checks (roughly one every 2 weeks) was VERY cumbersome, so I’ve cut the number of Skill Checks in half. I’ve also adjusted the grading weights in progressbook for each category.
Orchestra Grades (please note this is an adjustment for the 4th term)
Class Participation 30%, Written Work 10%, Skill Checks 20%, Concert Attendance 40%
Orchestra Skill Checks (only 2 this term)
Skill Check 1: May 12th (Book Lines TBA)
Skill Check 2: May 25th (Book Lines TBA)
CFE Prep-Worksheets will be available in May. Students who complete the worksheets can earn Skill Check grades and/or bonus grades. Details to follow. The Common Final Exams will be held May 24,25,26,30. Details to follow.
NEW UPDATES! (3/7/17)
Be sure to check the main page for bonus information. I’m working on acquire music for our spring concert. In the mean time, please keep practicing scales and pages out of our book!
NEW UPDATES! (12/15/16)
Just a brief word about our concerts.I will give more detailed thoughts over break.
Everyone had a good performance!! I am very proud of our students. Our rehearsal schedules were very jumbled with testing the last two weeks. As an added complication: periods 2,5, and 7 lost most of their block periods when I had to be out last week. The students buckled down and held on. As we talked about in class on Tuesday (and will do in orchestra today) everyone has something to work on. Even me. I always tell the students that I’ve been playing percussion since the 6th grade. At 44, that was a long time ago, and I still need to practice!!! Thanks to all of the parents who pitched in to help at both concerts!
Only jazz band students need instruments on Friday. All other students can take them home after class on Thursday.
Jazz Band: the final performance of 2016 is Friday morning! We begin set-up outside the band room at 8:40, we play from 9:00-9:25 (or earlier if we run out of music). Wear your jazz band t-shirts (or black t-shirt if you’ve not paid for yours yet). Don’t forget your festive hat!!!
Solo & Ensemble sign ups need to be done by friday. My FBA paperwork is due a week after we return from break.
We hit the ground running on January 4th. Be ready to play!!!! Have a great break!
NEW UPDATES! (12/7/16)
Check the concert page and main page!
NEW UPDATES! (10/10/16)
Sorry for the lack of updates. Tech problems had locked me out until today.
I’ll be letting the students know about the modifications to our grading plan for the end of the term. This will not affect the 5th & 6th period classes, as they did not have an playing assessments scheduled. Band Karate is still required for the 2nd & 3rd period classes. Here is the updated grading scale: 0=55, 1=100, 2=105, 3=110. ALL BKR’S ARE DUE ON THURSDAY. Skill checks for Jazz/Orchestra, as well as the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble scale tests have been moved to Tuesday.
The September Webpage Bonus (see below) expires at Noon on Thursday!
If your child’s grade took a big drop last week, you need to turn in the handbook signature form!
Please note that Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble have a concert on October 20th. Right now the Fall Concert is still set up for Boone HS.
NEW UPDATES! (9/28/16)
We still have several students who have yet to play ion class. Please let me know how I can help you find an instrument. Due to this being our 1st year with a string program, we have almost no school owned string instruments. Those that we will own are not due to arrive at school until the end of October or even later. I am running out of worksheets to keep the students busy.
I’ve put in grades for the 1st skill check. Any student who is playing revived a 100, any students who have not played have the grade excluded.
NEW UPDATES! (9/14/16)
I’ll be sending a letter home this week to check in with everyone on their instrument progress. in our class of 24; only 7 have their instruments so far. We are at an impasse in class. It is nearly impossible for me to teach the 3 beginners, and the 4 advanced students and at the same time keep the other 17 students occupied. I’ve been telling the students in class that you are in the following categories: 1. Holding an instrument 2. Waiting on a back ordered instrument (that’s 4 by my current count) 3. In the process of finding ant instrument (actively looking or waiting for a free day like a weekend to get it) 4. Hand not yet attempted. to obtain an instrument.
I am most concerned about those in the 4th group.
Our fledgling string group is at a disadvantage because there are no instruments here at the school. Other schools have no instruments for us to borrow. I was able to fine 1 bass for our two students to use until ours arrive in October. Please let me know if I can assist you in your search.
NEW UPDATES! (8/29/16)
Hard copies of the letter will go home on Monday. The 2.0 has several additions and edits to it’s predecessor.
NEW UPDATES! (8/22/16)
I want to thank the orchestra families for their patience as we await our equipment. In a perfect world we would be on our 2nd day of instrument testing ( I expect we’ll only need 3-5 days once we get instruments.) On order are 2 bases, 3 cellos, and 2 violas. A paperwork snag caused our orders to be held up down town and our vendors retrieved the info a month later than I anticipated.
As I’ve told the students: I’m modifying my normal plan of doing music notes in-between instrument tryout days and doing all of our note taking days back-to-back. Hopefully we’ll have at least some of our instruments in by next week. I’m working with a few other schools to borrow instruments. That said, most schools have more students than instruments, and giving up a cello for even a day or two is not possible.
This is all part of the growing pains of a new program. The students have the prestige of being part of our Inaugural Orchestra (I’m calling us the Falcon Stings), unfortunately they have the hassles of waiting for instruments to show up….
NEW UPDATES! (8/16/16)
It’s Finally here! I’m slowly getting caught up. There will be much more info here. I do ask for patience with our instrument tryout process. Our school instruments are on order, and I’m trying to borrow instruments from other schools to get us started. Right now we have one 3-string violin (The Band room lent me a fiddle to practice on and I broke a string. Haven’t restrung it yet 🙁
Here are all of your orchestra forms.
Band & Orchestra Calendar 16.17 2.0
6 Questions Everyone Always Asks About Band And Orchestra Web